While Huib Schippers has only been a full-time academic for 13 years of his career, he has had a substantial and impactful research output of some 70 peer-reviewed publications, many of which are frequently cited, as well as over 100 publications for general audiences. However, he is mostly known for his ability to gather (international) teams and source funding to investigate complex topics having to do with music in society, research policy, education, diversity, and cultural sustainability. Using this experience, Schippers offers individual and team coaching in research design, approaches and methods, partnerships and funding, writing up research and publishing/dissemination of results.
While Huib Schippers has only been a full-time academic for 13 years of his career, he has had a substantial and impactful research output of some 70 peer-reviewed publications, many of which are frequently cited, as well as over 100 publications for general audiences. However, he is mostly known for his ability to gather (international) teams and source funding to investigate complex topics having to do with music in society, research policy, education, diversity, and cultural sustainability. Using this experience, Schippers offers individual and team coaching in research design, approaches and methods, partnerships and funding, writing up research and publishing/dissemination of results.
A graphic depiction of the “cultural ecosystem” or “musisphere” around any music practice: one of the main outcomes of the research collaboration/publication “Sustainable futures for music cultures”
25 Recent and Frequently Quoted Publications
A) Books (Monographs, Co-Authored and edited volumes)
Schippers, H. & Seeger, A. (eds.). (2022).
Music, Communities, and Sustainability: Developing Policies and Practices.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Schippers, H., Lin, W. Boyu, Z. (eds.). (2021).
Applied Ethnomusicology: Practices, Policies and Challenges.
Beijing: Central Conservatory of Music Press.
Balfour, M., Bartleet, B., Davies, L., Rynne, J., and Schippers, H. (eds.). (2019).
Captive Audiences: Creative Approaches to Performing Arts in Prison.
London: Intellect.
Schippers, H., Grant, C. (eds.). (2016).
Sustainable Futures for Music Cultures: An Ecological Perspective.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Schippers, H. (2010).
Facing the Music: Shaping Music Education from a Global Perspective.
New York: Oxford University Press. (Mandarin translation published by Central Conservatory of Music Press, Beijing, 2022)
Bartleet, B., Dunbar-Hall, P., Letts, R. & Schippers, H. (2009).
Sound Links: Community Music in Australia.
Brisbane: Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre.
Schippers, H., Campbell, P.S. et al (eds.). (2005).
Cultural Diversity in Music Education: Directions and Challenges for the 21st Century.
Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.
B) Chapters (refereed) in Books.
Schippers, H. (accepted 20/3/2023).
Sharing songs, shaping community: Revitalizing time-honoured pedagogies at Ethno USA.
In: S-J. Gibson & L. Higgins (eds.), Ethno: Youth Music Gatherings, Pedagogy, Experience, and Impact.
London: Intellect Press.
Schippers, H. & Howell, G. (2023).
“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold”: Impacts of human conflict on musispheres.
In: J.T. Titon and A.A. Allen (eds.), Sounds, Musics, Ecologies, pp. 258-277.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Seeger, A. & Schippers, H. (2022).
Introduction: Approaching music as Intangible Cultural Heritage.
In: Schippers, H. & Seeger, A. (eds.), Music, Communities, and Sustainability: Developing Policies and Practices, pp. 1-12.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Schippers, H. (2021).
The Meeting Room as Fieldwork Site: Toward an Ethnography of Power.
In: Garcia Corona, L.F. & Wien, K, (eds.), Voices of the Field: Pathways in Public Ethnomusicology, pp. 33-45.
New York: Oxford University Press
Schippers, H. (2018).
Community music: Contexts, dynamics and sustainability.
In: Bartleet, B.L. & Higgins, L. (eds), Oxford Handbook of Community Music, pp. 23-42.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Schippers, H. (2015).
Applied ethnomusicology and intangible cultural heritage: Understanding ‘ecosystems of music’ as a tool for sustainability.
In: Pettan, S and Titon, J.T., (eds), Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, pp. 134-156.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Schippers, H. & Campbell, P.S. (2012).
Cultural diversity: Beyond songs from every land.
In: McPherson, G. and Welch, G. (eds), Oxford Handbook of Music Education, pp. 87-104.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Campbell, P.S. and Schippers, H. (2005).
Introduction: Local musics, global issues.
In: Cultural Diversity in Music Education: Directions and Challenges for the 21st Century (pp. v-vii).
Brisbane: Australian Academic Press.
Schippers, H. (2004).
Blame it on the Germans! – A cross-cultural invitation to revisit the foundations of training professional musicians.
In: Orlando Musumeci (ed.), Preparing Musicians Making New Sounds Worlds, pp. 199-208.
Barcelona: ISME/ESMUC.
Schippers, H. (1999).
The rationale and set-up of a Centre of Excellence in world music education.
In: J.O. Traasdahl (ed.), Music Education in a Multicultural Society, pp. 138-149.
Copenhagen: IMC/UNESCO.
Schippers, H. (1996).
Goodbye to GSP? An invitation to re-evaluate the role of the guru in contemporary transmission of Hindustani music.
In: A. Parikh (ed.), Indian Music and the West, pp. 43-57.
Mumbai: Sangeet Research Academy.
C) Articles in Refereed Journals.
Schippers, H. and Bendrups, D. (2015).
Ethnomusicology, ecology and the sustainability of music cultures.
The world of music (new series), 4/1, pp. 9-20.
Schippers, H. & Bartleet, B. (2013).
The nine domains of community music: Exploring the crossroads of formal and informal music education.
International Journal of Music Education, Vol. 31/4, pp. 454-471.
Schippers, H. (2007).
The marriage of art and academia: Challenges and opportunities for music research in practice-based environments.
B. Bleij and M. Cobussen (eds.): Dutch Journal for Music Theory, Vol. 12/1, pp. 34-40.
Schippers, Huib (2007).
A synergy of contradictions: The genesis of a world music and dance centre.
N. Kors (ed.), Networks and Islands: World Music and Dance Education, Musike, Vol. 3, pp. 11-24.
Schippers, H. (2006).
Tradition, authenticity, and context: The case for a dynamic approach.
British Journal of Music Education, Vol. 23/3, pp. 333-349.
Schippers, H. (2006).
“As if a little bird is sitting on your finger…”: Metaphor as a key instrument in teaching and learning music.
International Journal for Music Education, Vol. 24/3, pp. 209-218.
Schippers, H. (2000).
‘Designing the intercultural music education of the future: The development of a World Music Centre in Portugal’.
International Journal of Music Education, Vol. 35, pp. 59-62.
Schippers, H. (1996).
Towards a model for cultural diversity in music education.
J. Dobbs & A. Kemp (eds.), International Journal for Music Education, Vol. 27, pp. 16-23.